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Upload Options Window

This is a screen shot of the Upload Options Window.

Click on an area of the graphic to view its associated help information.

This Window is displayed when an attempt is made to upload a file to the Remote Host and a file of the same name already exists.

One of a variety of options may be selected, depending on the circumstances:

Overwrite.  Selecting this option causes the file on the Remote Host to be overwritten by the file being uploaded.

Restore.  If a previous attempt to upload a file has failed, after a partial transfer, then this option may be selected.  In this instance the transfer is restarted from where it finished previously.  Note that not all servers support the Restore option.

Append.  Selecting this option concatenates the file being uploaded with that already on the server.

Skip.  Selecting this option will prevent the file from being uploaded.

If, during an upload session, one option is required for all files, for example
Overwrite, then, rather than be prompted for each file, check the Remember This Response check box before choosing the option.  Doing this enables RS FTP to apply the same criteria to all files currently being uploaded.  If a new upload is subsequently started then the Upload Options Window will once again be displayed if a file name clash is detected.