World Trade Centre |
Those that watched the events unfold on TV will never forget the ninth hour on September 11th 2001. They would have seen people walking away from the area as they shook off the dust. Whilst all around the Manhattan World Trade Centre there was blood and fire and vapour of smoke. This matrix is far more extensive than shown here, with terms such as Twin Towers also appearing. Also partly shown above "vapour of smoke" is the phrase "About an hundred and twenty". Remember that the twin towers had about 110 storeys and 7 basement levels, with the communications tower on top this a very close match to "About 120".Off all the other matrices shown on this site only the JFK Assassination matrix comes close to the level of detail that can be extracted from the WTC matrix. Click here for the Main CodeFinder Page Buy CodeFinder from our Secure Online Store.
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A close look at a second embedded occurence of MANHATTAN shows a possible correlation with end-times prophecy. First take a look at the matrix then read the commentary.
The 'M' of Manhattan is in Galations 1:18, with the final 'N' being in Luke 2:11.
Looking now at the second 'A' it can be seen that this is the beginning of the verse at Revelation 16:19, where it states: "And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath." . Could the "three parts" be a reference to the two towers and the city? Could Babylon be referring to the US and the resulting "War on Terror"?
Moving on to the second 'T', we can see the question being asked, in Matthew 24:3, "what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?". Finally, in the third highlighted row, between the final 'A' and 'N', we can see the same question being answered, although this time in Mark 13:2, "Seest thou these great buildings? there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.".
It would seem, therefore, that there may be a connection between the World Trade Centre tragedy and the end times as discussed in the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, as well as in the Book of Revelation. Also, could it be a little more than coincidence this connection between MAnhattan, MAtthew and MArk, all beginning with the same two letters?
This matrix is very new and very much un-explored. As such it is an excellent starting point for futher investigation.
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